Top 10 Smartest Animals On Earth

Top 10 Smartest Animals On Earth

Of course, no one on Earth can compare with a person in terms of the level of development of his intellect. Nevertheless, the animals around us are also intelligent, able to feel, think, analyze and do amazing things. Every day modern science finds unusual and unique facts about animals that cannot but surprise. For example, scientists at the University of Sydney discovered that crows have a sense of humor and are not averse to making fun of their relatives. And dogs have musical preferences and can enjoy listening to their favorite songs. Isn't it amazing? Further, will tell you about the most impressive and intelligent creatures on our planet. Follow this list of the top 10 most intelligent animals in the world, and tell us in a comment your opinion at the bottom of the article.

10: Ants

And although ants are insects, we could not help but include them in our list, one of the most intelligent creatures on Earth. We will only briefly dwell on the fact that ants are the most brilliant and unusual insects on our planet. probably, nature deliberately limited their intellectual abilities so that they could not take over our world. Amazingly, ants have a complex social system that resembles our society. Ants have farmers, nurseries, soldiers, scouts, ordinary workers, and even retirees.

9: Elephants

Elephants have the giant brains of any land animal. Naturally, this left a unique imprint on their development. Elephants use their grey matter for many exciting tasks. For example, with the help of something, they can clear a path for themselves in an impenetrable forest. Also, elephants have an excellent memory, and until the end of their time, they remember almost all the most minor details from their lives. Elephants are one of the few animals that realize what man wants from them. It's one of the most intelligent mammals in the world.

8: pig

One of the cleverest animals in the world, No matter how funny it sounds, a pig and a man have a lot in common. In terms of mental activity, it has long been proven that pigs can communicate using a system of sounds. Wild pigs differ from our domesticated "cousins" in a greater degree of intellectual ability. For example, a pig mom grunts her children about what they can and cannot eat. She also teaches piglets to understand what danger is and where to take a nap while relaxing. Many scientists agree that an adult wild pig has the intelligence of a three-year-old child.

7: Octopus

Octopuses are little studied, but science tells us they are the second marine creatures after dolphins with impressive intelligence. Experiments show that octopuses are able not only to memorize information but also to analyze it. All this helps them when hunting, as well as when dangers arise. Depending on the type of prey, octopuses develop a strategy for their hunt on the fly.

6: Parrots

One of the most intelligent birds in the world, ​If you have ever seen a talking parrot in your life, then you should not have doubts about their intellectual abilities. In the wild, parrots can quickly learn to repeat any sounds no matter who makes them. They can use this "speech reserve" when a particular situation arises. That is, quite consciously, but at a primitive level. If you start training a parrot in captivity, you will be surprised to find that it can solve various complex problems.

5: Rat

Friendly, most intelligent rodents, scientists have recently found that rats, like humans, can make decisions based on what they don't already know or already know about it. In addition, studies have shown that rats are self-aware and even dream-like us, humans. Domesticated rats are very friendly and have strong social bonds with their owners. They can distinguish between simple phrases and come to you when you ask them. They may even ask you to open the cage if they want to play with you.

4: Crows

The size of the crow's brain is small, but it helps her solve complex problems and have a good memory. According to scientists, the crow can remember and recognize individual human faces and even complex objects. Therefore, if you throw a stone at a crow at least once, it will forever remember you as an object of threat. As for the social behavior of crows with their kind, science has a lot of mysteries. According to research, the behavior of a crow is almost identical to human social interaction at a basic level.

3: Dolphins

Dolphins are one of the most intelligent animals. Only they can recognize themselves in the mirror, which clearly shows how smart they are. Dolphins speak to each other in their language and also call others by name. They can feel various emotions such as joy and sorrow. The system of brain activity in dolphins is very complex and, in some aspects, even exceeds that of humans. For example, part of the dolphin's brain works and analyzes incoming information necessary to defend against any threats during sleep.

2: Dog

Dogs are man's best friends, and they are super bright. They can memorize many different tricks and repeat them on command. They can easily understand people's feelings when they are sad, happy, and angry. Based on this, your pet will behave accordingly. Dogs are so intelligent that they can even act in a certain way with a person to calm him down when he is angry. And they can also show what they need in their tracks.

1: Chimpanzee

Chimpanzees are The most intelligent animals globally; like no other animal, they are more close to humans. As numerous experiments show, chimpanzees can think like we humans. Together with us, they are the most intelligent creations of nature. Chimpanzees communicate with each other in a fantastic way, reminiscent of our regular communication. They can also use whatever they find in the forest to look for food or find their community. If chimpanzees are well trained, they can even understand human language.

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