Top 10 Things Your Cat Hates
If you're thinking about getting a cat or already have one, you'll undoubtedly want to know why cats occasionally act in unexpected ways. It would help if you remembered that felines are notoriously mischievous creatures. They reflect the owner's misbehavior for a long time and are extremely sensitive to the word's literal meaning. You must also recognize that each pet that stays in our apartment has its own "life view" that you must consider. It's essential to consider your cohabitation's unique characteristics with pets. will show you the ten most destructive and unforgivable human activities for cats.
10: We don't care about cats
Despite popular belief that cats walk by themselves, they require your care and involvement like any other creature. Kittens and cats, in particular, dislike being ignored. Your pet is missing you and would like to play with you. It'll attempt rubbing against your leg, clawing furniture, pacing behind you, or just meowing to grab your attention. Please don't dismiss them; instead, give them five minutes of your time. The worst thing you can do now demonstrates any animosity toward the animal.
9: Dirty tray
Be honest with yourself. You would be pleased if your toilet was disgusting and had a terrible smell. Cats have a ten times stronger sense of smell than you and me. They hate dirty and uncleaned trays. Therefore, be so kind as to keep the litter box clean and tidy if you don't want your pet in someday to start doing it in the kitchen or on your favorite carpet.
8: Bad odors
Cats, as previously said, have a keen sense of smell. As a result, breathing intense odors is similar to inhaling an open paint can for humans. Avoid using air fresheners in your cat's area and keep your room clear of pungent-smelling plants.
7: When In a bowl is lousy food
Cats are predators, even if they reside in your flat. Carrion is not a food source for predators. As a result, if you assume your cat should finish eating sour soup or thick sausage, you're incorrect. That is something you should not be doing. In addition, make sure that the food in the cat's bowl does not sit for an extended period. The feeding dish must be kept clean and only contain fresh food.
6: Living together with other cats
Cats, like other carnivores, have a strong sense of territoriality. As a result, when they come up with other cats, they will protect their territory. If you decide to keep two cats at home, this is a terrible idea. However, if your neighbors also have a cat, try to keep your pet's behavior under control to avoid conflicts.
5: Stroking vigorously
4: Sounds and noises that are too loud
Loud music, thunderstorms, and evening explosions aren't the only things that make cats nervous. Anything that generates a loud noise, whether a vacuum machine or just a loud talk in a noisy company, terrifies cats. If you enjoy listening to loud music or throwing a party in the evening, ensure your cat has some cozy and peaceful spots.
3: Cats remember bad things and what they don't like
Cats have an excellent memory. It is especially true when their freedom is restricted or relocated. They'll recall the basket they were transferred from the apartment to the country residence or, worse, to the veterinarian. If such a journey is unavoidable, try to find a way to "sweeten the bitter pill." In these circumstances, see your veterinarian if you can administer a sedative to your cat.
2: You must take care of your cat's health
Your pet may require medical attention at times. Many veterinary studies show that most pills and capsules do not disintegrate over time in the cat's body and remain in their original form. If medication is required, it is preferable to take it as a liquid or crush the pill.
1: Water hurts your cat
Bathe your cat if you want to offend him. Of course, in extreme circumstances, such operations may be necessary. Cats despise water. The thing is, the cat's undercoat retains a particular air gap that protects it from overheating and freezing. When the cat's coat gets wet, the layer collapses, and the cat begins to freeze. As a result, cats remember bathing processes and harbor a bitter resentment towards you for a long time.