Top 10 Interesting Facts About Hares
Thanks to their exciting and cute face, big long ears and snow-white fur coat, hares have become an integral part of many children's fairy tales, cartoons and songs. In folklore, the hare is usually depicted as a wise, hardworking, honest, but sometimes cowardly animal, which cunning and unprincipled predators oppose. As for real life, hares live even more "fun". To live to a rabbit old age, they need to confront many dangers daily that lie in wait for them at every step. About how hares live in the wild, as well as some interesting facts from their daily life, will tell you. Top interesting facts about hares.
10: Some Hares Build Real Room Apartments
You probably know that hares live on all continents, and you can found in forests, meadows, deserts, tundra and swamps. But the fact that hares are digging holes for themselves with a depth of 3 meters for living, not everyone heard. The hare's dwelling is an actual "multi-room apartment" with several entrances and exits, unique rooms for sleeping, eating, little hares, etc.
9: When Hares are satisfied, they dance like cats.
When the hare is well, he begins to purr like a cat, making a characteristic sound with the help of his teeth. He also begins to "dance", jumping and turning 180 ° in the air. If you have a pet rabbit, you have probably observed this more than once.
8: Harris lives in large families
Because of their fecundity, hares remain in naturally related social groups. In science, these populations are called Hares colonies. It is exciting to observe the colony's life when hundreds of hares run out of their holes and search for food with the onset of dusk. Remarkable is that families live only on their territory and never run into someone else's, even in times of danger.
7: Hares were the third animal left by man
Modern historians are inclined to believe that after the dog and livestock, the ancient man took up the domestication of the hare. Delicious meat, warm fur and spartan living conditions are an excellent combination for primitive people. By the way, now rabbits are the third most popular pets.
6: Why do breeds feed on other species?
The thing is that when a Hares has offspring, she tries to protect her brood with natural cunning. After, It does not return to her Hares because predators do not find a trail to her cubs by smell. The hare confuses the tracks with strangers to disorient the predator. But as long as the rabbit has milk, she will feed all the other strangers on her way. Here is such a hare mutual assistance.
5: Hares obliged to exercise
Hares must move for at least 4 hours a day actively; otherwise, their bone tissue will be susceptible to a disease similar to osteoporosis. So, if you want to raise a hare, you have to give it a chance to jump and run around.
4: Hares see absolutely everything around them
The visual system in hares is designed so that they see absolutely everything around them, except what is located in front of the muzzle and behind the tail. The Hares' eyes rotate freely within the entire hemisphere, providing a 360-degree view. And you won't be able to sneak it in from behind. But their visual acuity is not good, so rabbits are straightforward prey for fast and predatory animals.
3: Hares eat their excrements
Hares don't do this because they need food, not because they are stupid. It's all about the nature of the digestive system. They just need to digest some of their food through a couple of stages. A similar mechanism exists in many animals.
2: True Ear Echo Sensors
Hares ears provide the ability to hear in the frequency range from 360 to 42 thousand Hz (in humans, only 64-23 thousand Hz) at very low sound pressure intensities. Each hares ear can rotate like a locator independently, "tuning" the source of the noise. In nature, only mice, rats and bats can hear from hares. In addition, bunny ears also help get rid of excess heat.
1: Teeth growth in Hares never stops
When hares eat, they perform up to 3-4 chewing movements every second. Therefore, their teeth are destroyed and eroded very quickly. If it were not for their continued growth, rabbits without teeth would starve to death within two to three months of their life.