Top 10 Most Dangerous Sea Animals

Top 10 Most Dangerous Sea Animals

Science states that there are a lot of creatures in the sea and ocean waters, a meeting with which, at best, can cause trouble for a person in the form of injury. And if you are incredibly unlucky, it even leads to disability or death. Even the most miniature marine animals and molluscs can be fraught with mortal danger for a careless person. The most formidable weapon of the inhabitants of the sea and ocean depths is their size and sharp teeth, but some of their poison poses a mortal danger to humans. The toxin almost instantly causes cardiac arrest and paralysis of the nervous or respiratory system. has specially prepared a selection of the ten most dangerous animals in the ocean.

10: Barracudas

Most of the barracuda attacks on people known to us are explained by part of the swimmer's costume, equipment or jewellery, which usually serves as food. In Cuba, shiny objects such as watches, jewellery, knives were the reason for the attacks on divers. So if you decide to go scuba diving in the Caribbean, it will not be superfluous if you take off all the shiny things. Sharp barracuda teeth can damage the arteries and veins in your limbs; in this case, the bleeding needs to stop immediately, as blood loss can be fatal.

9: Muraena

Muraena is one of the most dangerous animals in the ocean. Almost always, a diver who has become a victim of a Muraena attack himself. If you come into the field of view of the moray eel, then do not make any sudden movements, and even more so any attacks in its direction. Muraena, attacking a person, inflicts a wound with teeth sharp as a scalpel, grabbing a person's limb with a bulldog death grip, from which the diver cannot free himself. But the danger is not only the teeth of Muraena but also their mucus, which covers the entire body. Once in a wound left by teeth, slime can kill a person quickly. Muraena blood is also a potent poison.

8: Physalia utriculus

Physalia or Portuguese man o' war is a whole colony of jellyfish hunting other marine life with the help of long poisonous tentacles. In Thailand, dozens of beaches are closed for swimming during the growing season of these jellyfish. In touch with Physalia, a person can get a large, painful burn. Blisters appear on the victim's skin, lymph nodes enlarge, sweating increases, nausea occurs, and it becomes difficult to breathe. The bite victim may own swollen or legs or numb arms. If the tentacles touch the spine, it can lead to paralysis, which is deadly when swimming. Physalia utriculus is one of the most dangerous sea animals globally.

7: Red lionfish

The lionfish have invaded the Caribbean and the coastal waters of the popular Caribbean resorts. The fish's lionfish body has many long, sharp and poisonous rays. Will Kill gouge an inexperienced diver or a person enchanted by the beauty of a fish if he tries to stroke a lionfish? Several injections from their contaminated needles located on the fins lead to palsy of the mortal and respiratory muscles. If a person stung by a lionfish is not helped to get to the shore in time, he will drown. Lionfish is the most dangerous fish in the sea.

6: Cone shells

Cone shells inhabit the coral reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Closer to the tropics and subtropics. Currently, there are about 500 species of them. The most dangerous type of cone clam is the marbled cone snail. She got the name for the colour, reminiscent of the pattern of marble. The size of such a shell is 10-15 cm. If you touch the beautiful body of Cone shells, it can lead to irreparable tragedy. The poison of these types acts as an anaesthetic, therefore, after a bite, a person does not feel pain, and paralysis and death occur very quickly - within 5 minutes.

5: Blue-ringed octopus

This octopus is a tiny and most venomous sea creature. The most significant representatives grow up to 20 cm. But even such babies are in mortal danger underwater. The blue-ringed octopus with its poison can kill more than ten people simultaneously in one attack. The blue-ringed octopus is a predatory octopus that is not afraid of humans. They are very aggressive and poisonous. One of the components of the poison, tetrodotoxin, causes paralysis of the motor parts of the nervous system, respiratory arrest and, as a result, cardiac arrest.

4: Takifugu rubripes

Takifugu rubripes or puffer is a marine fish that lives in subtropical and tropical seas. It also lives in the waters of the Sea of ​​Japan along the shores of Japan, China, and Korea. Toxic substances are contained in the skin and internal organs liver, bowel, gonads. The most dangerous poison is tetrodotoxin. It is a poison of natural origin, and even in scanty doses, has a strong nerve effect. Most often, this toxin is fatal. It beautiful but deadly sea creature.

3: Millepora dichotoma

Millepora dichotoma is the most dangerous aquatic animal, aka fiery coral, a highly poisonous reptile with a deceptively harmless appearance. Coral is so beautiful that many cannot resist the temptation to tear off a piece as a souvenir. But just one touch will make a person get a severe burn, which later develops into an ulcer. Touching it causes severe painful shock and loss of consciousness. Unfortunately, deep down, it's deadly. And if there is no one around you to help, you can easily drown.

2: Box jellyfish

Box jellyfish or sea wasps live off the coast of Australia and Indonesia. Cubomedusa is considered one of the most poisonous and dangerous marine animals, as it can cause fatal damage to humans. Jellyfish accidentally hits a person with its poison. The animal's tentacles, 3-4 meters long, are entirely covered with stinging cells, which contain strong poison. Box jellyfish burns cause excruciating pain, and their strength is enough to kill ten adults in two to three minutes.

1: Bull shark

Males of this species are considered the most aggressive living creatures on the planet. The active production of the male hormone leads to unexpected bouts of rage, so it is almost impossible to escape from the attack of a bull shark. In addition, the bull shark easily adapts to life in freshwater, which is also a danger to humans. These sharks are ubiquitous in tropical and subtropical waters, often in rivers. Bull sharks live from Baja California to Ecuador and northern Bolivia in the Pacific Ocean. It is these sharks that most often attack people.

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